Welcome back to my second home of O'ahu! I'm so thrilled to have just had the opportunity to spend 7 whole weeks camping, hiking, beaching, painting, and visiting friends on the beloved island I decided to leave just one year ago.
What can I say..? I didn't move away from Hawai'i because I didn't like it!
Visiting close friends and adventuring through the island is such a blissful existence. If you haven’t put it on your list yet, maybe a few more photos will help seal the deal..

Did you enjoy coming along for the ride? Here's my travel + art vlog from the vanlifing I did on Maui and Big Island last year. You can also see more of my life while I lived on island, including where I worked and my awesome bungalow with the fully outdoor bathroom! And if you're wondering why I ever left this slice of paradise, I made a video of that too!