It’s as easy as….
Start with a clear reference image
Create a strong drawing
Take time to mix proper colors and plenty of them
Go slowly - use small direct strokes with the correct sized brush
Pay attention to the surface of the material/subject you are depicting
Utilize multiple layers as needed
Continue correcting until desired look is achieved - be patient!
Feel free to give yourself/the painting/a part of the painting a break if things go awry and get frustrating; A day/week/month break can do wonders for a technical snafu
Here are some great reference vids for more detailed information:
How to Improve Your Drawing for Painting:
How to Make a Painting Surface + Transfer Your Drawing to Canvas:
How Much Oil Paint to Use:
Mixing a Light Skin Tone:
Mixing a Melanin Rich Skin Tone:
How to Paint Sheer Lace Fabric:
How to Paint Gold Jewelry that Really Shines:
Good luck and happy painting! Remember I’m always here for some one-on-one mentoring as well.