Real quick just wanted to pop on with some updates…
💥 Make sure you’re tuning in to my Instagram Stories @caleighbirdart starting Monday because I’m running another multi-day poll to learn all about how you interact with social biz with your art/art biz.
💥I’ve got a big announcement coming out on my YouTube channel tomorrow, and I’m most likely going to do it live so be there at 1pm EST/4pmPST for the chance to ask questions and interact with me in real time!!
💥I’ve got my Birds of a Feather monthly letter coming out this weekend and if you’re not subscribed you should be because that’s where I share the most personal side of being a working artist in this modern day. Look to right of this bog post for the sign-up to get the inside scoop on all the exciting happenings in the Nest (both figuratively and literally!).