I am tremendously excited about this next venture in my artistic journey: Patreon!!
Patreon provides a wonderful space for me to connect with my biggest supporters in a more personal way. It's a perfect way for me to give more of myself as an active and working artist to those who are most receptive and interested. Patreon is also a way for me to share art with and give back to those cheering me on.
Basically, Patreon give folks the opportunity for special access to their favorite artists and creators, and gives artists a way to say thank you over and over again for that invaluable support.
Ok.... have I piqued your interest enough? Go ahead and pop on over to my brand-spanking new Patreon page and see what all the fuss is about.
Click Here!
Afterwards, hit the comment button and let me know what you think! Do you think my reward tiers sound exciting?
originally posted: March 7, 2017