I think I was just gifted my favorite drawing of myself to date by my friend and fellow artist Patrick Mizumoto (@paintedpatrick) during my last figure modelling session at the Museum of Art School here in Honolulu. I’m so honored to be drawn like a little forest fairy nymph..:)
Modeling at these open figure drawing sessions has really helped me connect with a new artistic side of myself. When I'm up on the platform I try to imagine myself from the outside looking towards my poses with a mental eye for lines, composition, and of course lighting and shadows. I try to make an interesting piece out of my own body with the goal of facilitating beautiful creations from the other artists. When they are able to make something unique and lovely, I like to feel like I can share in that win in some small way.
Here are a few more from that evening. (The first one is Patrick as well but the others are by artists with no links).